I'm back! First off, let me apologize to any readers I might have for being away for so long. Work has been more than crazy for weeks. But now it's tapered off, and I have the time to get back to blogging.
As you may already know, there was a suicide bombing in Afghanistan yesterday, reportedly targeting Vice President Dick Cheney. While the blast killed several people and wounded others, Mr. Cheney was some distance away and was not injured, but a Taliban spokesman said Mr. Cheney was indeed the target.
If you would like more information on the attack itself, you can read the article. What I would like to talk about is the reaction to this event here at home, among the liberal community. To put it simply, many liberals are disappointed that Mr. Cheney was not killed. Here are some examples of their reactions:
"They missed?? Dammit. I hope they try again before he leaves."
"So Cheney is personally responsible for the deaths of 14 innocent people…and then he waddles off to lunch!! What a piece of shit!"
These quotes were apparently taken from this blog, before being cleaned up. This other blog apparently has a transcript of the post that was saved before it was changed, but as of writing this, the link doesn't seem to be working.
Never before, in the history of this great nation, has there ever been a domestic movement that has so openly and enthusiastically supported and empathized with the enemy of not only this country, but of all of humanity. No matter how hard I try, I just cannot figure out what makes these people tick. Liberals are cheering this attempted assassination of their own vice president, feeling that Mr. Cheney's death would somehow be just. Even if there were a U.S. politician who deserved to be punished for something, having him blown up by foreign terrorists would not be the way to accomplish it! I urge you to search the various liberal blogs for this topic, and read the reader comments. They really don't seem to care what kind of secondary effects Mr. Cheney's death would have had. They don't care that it would be of tremendous value to the propaganda machine of the terrorists. They don't care about the detrimental effects it would most likely have on our own political system. They make very little mention of the two Americans that died in the blast, or the other Americans that would have been killed had the attack been successful.
But then, they were just soldiers, just Mr. Cheney's staff, no big loss if they were killed beside him. And our capitalist pig government could use some destabilizing. And why not support the terrorists? After all, they have so many goals in common. Modern liberalism is a lie. They don't want peace. They don't detest bloodshed. They don't want to see the west cooperate with the rest of the world in a compassionate and caring manner. They want the west to be destroyed. And I don't think most of them even realize that's what they want. But when you ask them about the individual components of what they want, all the very worst parts of it coincide perfectly with what the Islamic terrorists want. They want democracy, capitalism, and Christianity to be exterminated. They claim that they grieve for every American who dies, and yet they openly admit that they would like nothing better than to see the brutal assassination of one particular American. This from the same people that decry the death penalty, saying that no one has the right to kill another human being, for any reason.
I chose the two quotes above out of the many others because they struck me as particularly telling of the liberal mindset. The first expresses a desire to see a second, more successful attack on Mr. Cheney. They don't seem to care about the fact that this would almost certainly be done with another suicide bomb, probably an even bigger one, resulting in the deaths of who knows how many more innocent people, including Americans. This is an example of the two-dimensional thinking of liberals. This is how small children think. I want the cookie. Mommy has told me not to eat the cookie. But Mommy isn't here right now, so I'll eat the cookie. Not realizing that every action has consequences, no matter how desirable it may seem at the time, is juvenile. Liberals are only concerned with what they want right now. They don't care about the future, and they don't care about how it will affect the people around them. They are children.
The second quote attempts to lay the responsibility of the deaths caused by the suicide bomber on Mr. Cheney. As if he is somehow liable for the actions of a homicidal maniac who blew himself up, killing as many innocent people as he could. The quote says, "personally responsible". Just like President Bush is "personally responsible" for 9/11, right? Liberals are incapable of understanding the concept of responsibility. A careless woman burns herself with a cup of coffee, and it's the restaurants fault. A criminal falls down a flight of stairs while robbing a house, and it's the homeowners fault. A psycho rapes and murders some school girls, and it's anybody's fault but his. And now the Vice President of the United States of America is "personally responsible" for the deaths of the people killed in a suicide bombing that targeted him. The concept of true responsibility terrifies liberals. They can't handle it, so they pass it on to someone else. Once again, this is something that children do. "It's not my fault, he made me do it!", or, "It's not my fault, he made me angry!" Who hasn't heard a child say something like this? And just like liberals, they really believe it.
The liberals and the Islamo-facists have one other thing in common. They are both revealing to the world exactly what they are. They aren't shy about it anymore. And they aren't shy about admitting their shared agendas either.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
So much for, "give peace a chance"...
Posted by
2/27/2007 08:57:00 PM
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All liberals are evil beings who deserve to die! Their mindset is inexplicably juvenile. Blame the victim. We should just grab the liberals by the cuff and cut off their heads for their naivety. That'll show the bastards.
Sorry, I should also mention that the above comment was not meant to insult or hurt anyone, but it was rather a persiflage of the second half of your post.
When you start saying that all liberals "want democracy, capitalism, and Christianity to be exterminated," you become very confusing to me, and I have trouble ignoring the potential satire that I can make. How is it that you can demonize an entire group of people so easily?
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