Though I don't know how grand it will be, I hope people will eventually find and read this blog. And please forgive the dark template I chose for this blog, but I'd like to impress upon my readers that these are serious topics.
As this is my introduction, perhaps I should tell you why I am starting this blog. First off, let me start by introducing myself. I am a conservative Christian. A Catholic convert to be precise. I'm 26 years old, Caucasian, male, heterosexual, and I have a BS in software development. If you think that means that I'm racist and intolerant and closed-minded, then you've been lied to. Despite the debased state much of it is in, I love my species. Humanity is truly created in God's image, and I think it hurts Him to see what some people have done with the tremendous gifts He has given them. I love my home country, The United States of America, with all my heart. Despite all its many faults, I believe it is the greatest country in the world, and by quite a large margin.
This blog is going to be from a conservative standpoint. Please feel free to post your comments or suggestions, whether you agree with me or not. I will not edit any posts other than my own, so I ask that you refrain from profanity as much as possible. I realize that these types of discussions can become rather heated and passionate, but let's try to remain civil, yes? Also, any threats, to me or anyone else, will be taken seriously and reported to the authorities.
I think that's a pretty good summary. If you have any questions or would like any clarifications, please feel free to ask.
It finally came home to me today just how much trouble we are in. I was listening to the radio on my way home from work, and I heard a short blurb about a soldier who was getting the death penalty for killing some of his fellow soldiers. This got my attention, since I had not heard anything about it previously. As I continued to listen, I heard that an American Army Sergeant by the name of Hasan Akbar, who is a convert to Islam, had committed a terrible crime on March 23, 2003. He had tossed grenades into three tents occupied by sleeping soldiers, and then fired at the ones that came scrambling out. He killed Capt. Christopher Seifert and Maj. Gregory Stone, and injured 14 others. After being arrested, his confession to the crime included a motive. Any guesses as to what that motive was? Hmm? If you haven't already guessed, I'd be willing to bet that there's either something seriously wrong with you, or you just don't want to admit that you know precisely why he did it, just like the rest of us do.
He claims that he attacked his fellow soldiers because he didn't want them to kill Muslims. If you want to read more about this, here's one article on it:
The reason I decided to start this blog is because THIS IS THE FIRST I HAVE EVER HEARD OF THIS CASE IN THREE YEARS!!!!!!! I like to consider myself a pretty informed guy. I listen to the radio, I watch the news, I read papers and magazines. How did this escape me? I'm sure it must have been published somewhere when it first happened, but why wasn't it on every headline, in every newsroom, plastered on prime time news and shouted from the freakin rooftops? This should have been the biggest story of 2003, round the clock coverage for weeks, interviews and specials and who knows what else, but I've never heard of it before. I wonder how many people have. Either I was in a coma that month, or the coverage was seriously lacking.
Now here's where I'm really gonna piss some of you off. If this had been a white soldier, or a Christian soldier, or both, it would have been the biggest story of 2003. Because he's black, and especially because he's Muslim, the press has barely sniffed at this story. The leftist scum in the American press seem to think that black people, out of all the ethnicities in this country, are immune to criticism. Why? I thought the entire purpose of the civil rights movement, the purpose that Martin Luther King Jr. courageously fought and died for, was racial equality. Well equality means taking the same lumps in addition to having the same rights and privileges. And that same leftist scum in the press has inexplicably decided to side their sympathies with the most violent, intolerant, and hateful religion in the history of mankind. And if anyone out there thinks that Islam is something other than that, I'd love to talk.
For a very long time I tried to believe that Islam was at its core a peaceful religion, only slightly different from Christianity and Judaism. I tried to believe that the people doing horrible things in the name of Allah were an aberration, sick monsters that were twisting Islam into something ugly, as white supremacists like to do with Christianity. I desperately held onto this belief even as it crumbled beneath me, unable to hold its own weight against the constant and growing barrage of evidence to the contrary. I have now come to the conclusion that the small handful of Muslims who are genuinely peaceful and loving toward their fellow man are the true aberrations.
Just a cursory study of the Koran will quickly demonstrate it to be a book filled with the most violent hatred imaginable. People try to defend it, saying that a violent interpretation is taking it out of context, or that it's just supposed to be a metaphor for fierce spiritual struggle. I beg to differ. The only places that the Koran talks about peace and compassion and love are in regards to OTHER MUSLIMS! In regards to the rest of humanity, it really just has one thing to say, and it says it over and over and over: Convert, suffer horribly under Sharia law, or die. That's it. Those are our options. No negotiations. No agreeing to disagree. No "you stay there and we'll stay here and we won't bother each other".
One particularly disturbing feature of the Koran is the statement that it is okay to lie to non-Muslims about anything, as long as it furthers the cause of Islam. Which means that it's virtually impossible to tell which Muslims are peaceful and which are just lying. So we can either take their word for it and leave ourselves wide open, or not believe anything any Muslim says, and be accused of religious discrimination. Either way, our enemies have the advantage.
A lot of people like to say that the Bible says similar things about violence toward other cultures. And they get away with it because of the fact that most people have never read the Bible, and are all too eager to believe that Christians are bad. In the Bible and the Torah, violence is a last resort against an enemy who threatens your very existence or bases their culture on evil. The cultures that the Israelites completely obliterated were cultures that sacrificed their children by burning them alive, cultures that used gang-rape in their religious ceremonies, cultures that practiced ritual suicide and revenge-killings of entire families, and a long list of other unspeakable behaviors. Entire nations that were beyond change, beyond saving. They couldn't be occupied and reformed. They couldn't be sanctioned or threatened. Nothing anyone could do would have changed those cultures. They had to be exterminated. Down to the last child. It hurts to think about, but it's true. In other cases, where your very existence wasn't threatened, peace and patience was advocated, and was explicitly preferred. And the concept of peace and love was greatly expanded upon by Jesus, taking it to an even greater level. Violence was forbidden in all but the most desperate circumstances.
Christianity hasn't changed. Unfortunately, neither has Islam. I'm scared. Scared of what is happening to this world, and to this country. There are several hundred million people in this world that believe their god wants them to exterminate anyone and everyone who refuses to follow their warped and sick ideology. They have no ability to build, to create, to heal. They only have the ability to destroy. Every country in the world that went from being something else to predominantly Muslim has turned from a paradise into a cesspool. They are willing to sacrifice their own lives and the lives of their families to kill as many innocent people as they possibly can, believing that they will be rewarded for it in heaven. They're even willing to slaughter their own people if they don't believe exactly the right things. Islam teaches that infidel civilians are valid combat targets. This is why they think it's okay to bomb elementary schools. And even after everything the world has seen these people do, they still have their advocates.
The liberal establishments of the world have lost their ability to reason. How, you say? Think about this. What are the good things that modern liberalism stands for? Women's rights, equal protection under the law, scientific advancement, and religious freedom (sort of). What are the not so good things that modern liberalism stands for? The normalization of homosexual behavior, paganism, abortion, sexual promiscuity. All these things, good and bad, are things that Islam simply doesn't tolerate. If Islam became a dominant force in the world, and in this country, as so many liberals would like to see happen, everything that they stand for would be obliterated. Women would be covered up and shoved to the back of society. Homosexuals would be systematically executed. Pagans, in addition to every other religious group, would be harassed, if not persecuted. Sexual liberty would vanish, replaced by female circumcisions and executions for extra-marital affairs. Any woman who lost her virginity before marriage would be beaten to death. And any woman who refused sex to her husband would also be beaten to death. Plus, women and non-Muslims would be forbidden to go to school.
So how, you ask, can liberals support this? Because the only thing that matters to them is the fact that Muslims share their desire to destroy Christianity and Judaism. They have blinded themselves to the fact that Islam wants to destroy them just as much as it wants to destroy everything else. So they make excuses. They portray Muslims as the victims, not the perpetrators. They make arguments of moral equivalency. It's America's fault. It's Israel's fault. If we would just leave the Muslims alone, they would stop killing us. Well, we were leaving them alone, and they killed us anyway. And what about India, or Pakistan? Countries with huge Muslim populations, whose governments have bent over backwards to make outrageous concessions to Muslims. Why are they being attacked? They never invaded Iraq. They never interfered in the Middle East. If Muslims are just defending their way of life the only way they know how (and yes, I've heard that argument), why are they attacking people who are no threat to them?
In retrospect, I still think it was a good idea to invade Afghanistan and Iraq, but not for the reasons I would have previously cited. Americans have shed their blood in an attempt to bring democracy and peace to parts of the world that have never known either. I saw this as a truly noble cause, and I still do. But it wasn't meant to be. Both countries, though initially acting grateful for American intervention, are now showing their true colors. The regimes that held those countries in an iron grip of fear and terror are no longer present, and yet both countries are quickly sliding back into their old habits. The Afghan constitution actually incorporates Sharia law, and provides the death penalty for anyone who converts away from Islam. For more information about this still unfolding outrage, read this article:
Iraq is attempting to insert similar provisions into their new constitution. While these outcomes are tragic to say the least, it has shown the world just how incapable of change these people really are. When freedom is handed to them on a silver platter, they still elect to go with hatred and terror.
I'm sorry that this blog is going to make so many people mad. But these things need to be said. The political left would like nothing better than to see everything that western civilization is based on go up in flames, and Muslims want to be the ones to light the match. We can't pretend anymore that these people can change. We can't delude ourselves into believing that they can be appeased or placated. They will not rest until Islam rules this world with an iron fist or destroys it so that the infidels can no longer have it. We can no longer think of them as rivals or opponents. They are the enemy.
Rivals and opponents can be competed with. They can be negotiated with. They can be cooperated with. There is no need to destroy rivals or opponents. They may not like you very much, they may want to be better than you, they may want to control you, but they don't want to destroy you. An enemy wants to destroy you. An enemy cannot be competed with. They cannot be negotiated with. They cannot be cooperated with. They will not stop until one of you is gone. There is only one thing that can be done about an enemy. They can be destroyed. Completely. Not subjugated, not occupied, not sanctioned. Destroyed. Reduced to nothing more than a chapter in a history book.
The only problem is that western civilization doesn't have the stomach to destroy several hundred million people. I'm not sure I have the stomach for it. But mark my words. The time will come when they will have left us no other choice.
I think you now understand what my positions are. I think it's important for anyone reading this to understand that I am not a violent or angry person. I'm a very affectionate and loving person. It hurts me to imagine the actions that the good people of this world may one day have to undertake. But that isn't going to stop me from saying what needs to be said. I pray that liberals wake up and see the damage that they are doing, and the impending disaster their actions are supporting. The day is quickly approaching when the world will be so completely polarized between good and evil that no one will be able to pretend they are a moderate, and those on the left will no longer be able to claim the higher ground. Evil people and evil ideologies will be exposed for what they are, and no one will be able to deny it. It's time for the people of this world to get off the fence and pick a side. There are only two. I've chosen the Right side. Now you have to pick yours.
Let the discussion begin.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Grand Opening!
Posted by cyberjacques at 11/22/2006 08:14:00 PM
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