Wednesday, November 29, 2006

You would have thought Nancy Pelosi wrote it

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the president of Iran, has written another letter, this time addressed to the American people in general. I urge you to read it before continuing to read this post. Go ahead, I'll wait..... Done? Good. Now let's dissect it like a specimen of verminous rodentia.

One of the more baffling things that is repeated several times throughout this letter is the assertion that the Iranian government shares America's commitment to truth, justice, and freedom. Just his stance on Israel disproves this all by itself. He denies the TRUTH of the holocaust, he believes Israel's efforts to defend itself from Palestinian attacks are UNJUST, and he sees Israel's little pocket of FREEDOM in the Middle East as a threat to be exterminated. So, what else did he lie about in this letter? Just about everything. Iran does not share our commitment to any of the values listed in this letter. This man truly is a modern-day Hitler.

It's not hard to notice that this letter seems like it could have been written by just about any Democrat in office right now. I think Ahmadinejad's writers must have spent some time browsing through Bush's war is illegal and immoral, Israel goes out of its way to target civilian Palestinians, evil Bush, evil Zionists, blah blah blah. He says that everyone hates terrorists. What he means is everyone hates Jews and Republicans. He tells the Democrats that now they have the power and the responsibility to use their new majority in Congress to make real peace in the world. And yet, just like the Democrats, he offers no suggestions on how to do that. Just like the Democrats, all he does say is that President Bush is doing it wrong.

Now, I wonder what kind of mental gymnastics liberals have to go through to hate Christians AND ignore all the references to God, and America being a God-fearing nation in this letter. Because apparently believing in God is okay, as long as you're not Christian or Jewish. Muslims who believe in God aren't labeled by liberals as intolerant, ignorant, irrational, like Christians are. They aren't accused of vast international conspiracies, like Jews are. Any time they're offered the chance, liberals are always more than happy to show us the completely backwards universe in which they live.

This letter was targeted not at the American people in general, but specifically at liberals. This letter was carefully designed to win support from the Democratic party and the leftist scum that supports it. And there's no doubt that it's working in many cases. The link to the letter is accompanied by some reader responses. Here are some of the more telling comments, unedited, from both sides of the spectrum:

I would say he's hypocrite. His govt's religous intolerance, opression of women, opression of free press and free speech and HIS many, many statments regarding violence (wipe Israel off the face of the earth, etc) hardly qualfies him or leaves ANY room to talk or to criticize another government!
— Jason Spears, Dallas

Dear Ahmadinejad, Thanks you for the letter that undoubtedly summarizes the feelings of most Americans. I, for one, hope that your message can help bring peace and stability to a region torn by War since the beginning of time.
— Brian, Chicago

Bravo! What are you doing from 2008 to 2012?
— Anonymous

Obviously the war on Terror is having the correct affect on Iran. . . . If they want the Democrats in power then what does that say about the policies of the Democratic Party.
— Brad, Winnie, Texas

It seems that the social polarization is well on its way. The majority of the reader responses either praise Ahmadinejad unabashedly, or call him a liar. There are very few that fall somewhere inbetween. But this letter will have much of its desired affect. The leftists now have even more love for terrorists and even more hate for President Bush. They will use this letter as ammunition, claiming that it proves Iran is not a threat. And they'll make it even harder for the president to do his job by making it look like he's opposed to peaceful dialog. Because they really believe everything that monster said. Only a child would be fooled by this letter, and yet look at how many liberals are falling for it.

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